Happy Hooking

~ a blog about crocheting and so on.

I've been busy with my other blogs, ravelry and facebook and realized today that I haven't posted on my crochet blog in months....all Summer actually, but that is typical of me and crocheting anyhow. Not that I didn't work on anything, I did. I made a nice cotton throw rug for the Aliner, some little creature habitats for our hairless rat and my nieces little hamster. Some scarfs and other small random projects too. I picked up some awesome Mini-mochi yarn in NY and made this lovely scarf for myself. I have another skein and plan on making the matching hat. I used the same pattern to make a green scarf for Carol. I love this pattern.....let me go check the name of it on Rav.....It is called Ziggy Lace Scarf. It works up nice and easy. I have not updated all my Summer projects even to Ravelry. Sometimes I just can't find the time. The Internet is a huge time suck and it seems like it takes me further away from my crocheting and ironically away from whatever it was I came online to look up in the first place. I can't totally condemn it because of the endless supply of crafty inspiration, craft and yarn coupons and awesome patterns I would never find in my local store or library. I am more motivated this time of the year to pick up my unfinished projects. One big monkey on my back right now is the Cathedral Rose afghan that I started last year to benefit a trip for Taylor with People to People. But the economy sucks and us just like most of middle America we are freaking broke and there are no extras like this, even with auctioning off an awesome project. I've been working off of my stash more and take the time to dig through it when I am thinking up new projects. Here is a site though that I can always find current AC Moore and Michaels coupons. After working with the mini-mochi splurge I bought in NY I really wish I had more free cash for my hobby, but I'm more lucky than a lot. I also look at my stash and think about all the cash spent on yarn I'm not even using. If only I could take that value and buy quality and not quantity. But when I buy yarn I feel "guilty" and don't always remember sometimes it really is just better buying less, but better.
Either way, like I said my crochet skills are back in season, so I intend to keep up on this blog a bit more diligently. Can't work on the Aliner too much over the Winter, although I do have some work to finish up sewing the curtains. That has been a fun but demanding project in itself. I am really looking forward to finishing that and using it next year. I can almost see myself sitting in it on some camping trip in the pouring rain crocheting a scrap afghan that will find it's home in the cozy camper.
Only other crochet thing on my mind at the moment is about the recent conversation going on in the Ravelry forums about yarn bowls. I would love one of these! But $$$! that I do not have for something like this...even if times were good, idk....kinda pricey. But it makes me think about other bowls and how they are used. Like rice bowls, or those soup bowls with lids that have an open slot or hole for the ladle to stick out. Or even just some random pottery bowl that has been dumped off at the Goodwill. So I am going to keep my eye out for something cool like that. It would definitely help keep the yarn off the floor and pet hair while I am working on a project at home. Plus it will look pretty on the table. We'll see what I can find out there, treasures everywhere if you look hard enough.


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