Happy Hooking

~ a blog about crocheting and so on.

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What a yucky day! It is raw and rainy. I wish I was home finishing my Tiramisu Baby Blanket! The main part is almost done and tomorrow will be one week since I started it. It's not that I am loving working on this thing, it is that I just want it done!

I am suppose to go out to lunch with some people from work, but I am really hoping it gets canceled. Some people are whining about meetings and stuff already so it's looking good. I should be thankful for such a thing, but I am not feeling the love today. Oh well, bad me.

Does anyone need a Curtis Plow Frame for a '03-'08 Dodge Ram 1500? We have one, and it's for sale. Craigslist sucks, it brings out the cheapest people on the face of the earth. If I wanted to give something away I would post it on Freecycle! It is worth probably $600, we are asking $400...with some wiggle room. Why on earth would I concider $100 though? Seriously.

My next Jeep? Build my own online comes out to about $33k and it gets 15/19mpg.....not so effiecent, but damn it looks fun!

Here is my current Jeep.....and I LOVE it, but it is a lease and I will have to make a decision when the lease is up....granted that is not until March of 2010, but it takes me a LONG time to make car decisions.
She gets 27mpg, and is only $200/m. Wish it had the lifetime drive warranty. Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep is going to merging with GM from what I hear. I know I don't want to take that path. Maybe I will go back to the Toyota Matrix again? I kinda like the remodel.
I had this 2005:

Now it looks like this for 2009:

I don't care for it in this photo, it looks better in real life. Maybe it is that black piece on the front bottom? This built by me comes out to maybe $23k.....and still lots of fun!

I'll keep pondering. My head wants to save $$ and gas, my heart wants to be fun and zippy, my soul wants to drive over anything in my way, lol!
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Not sure about the blog template yet. I'm gonna leave it on for a few days/weeks and see if it grows on me. I loved the colors of the old one but the vines kinda got in the way of my words.

Todays to do list:
  • Kenzie has a Halloween party at karate.
  • Taylor has a homecoming football game....I'm not sure if we are all going, but I think so. Time lines cross of course.
  • I should get a lot of crocheting done today while the kids do their thing.
  • Laundry, vacuum, clean....blah, blah, blah.....right like any of that is going to happen today.
Eighty dollars for a crochet hook? Nope I'll pay the electric bill instead :)

ETA: Here is where I got the free blog template. She has some other nice ones too. I tried the Autumn one but something wasn't working in it so I picked this one. I think there are others there I like more.
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I am working on several projects at once again. I just finished a scarf for Veronica, a present from her mom. I started night before last a baby blanket for Liz at work, her baby shower is on 11/14. It is a very simple pattern but it creates a very pretty texture. After hitting it for a couple nights I have about 9 out 30" done. So a week of not getting distracted should do it. I have a 50% off coupon for AC Moore. so I will stop in tonight and get some ribbon for it. I also still have Taylor's entralac blanket and my lap ripple too.....oh and some floppy funky slippers for Kenzie. Too much at once.

Tonight Kenzie and I have to finish her Halloween mask. She has a party at karate tomorrow morning. Although I think her and I are sick, hopefully we will feel better over the weekend. Probably for the best Mike has to work tonight. We have to go get pumpkins this weekend, but it should be quite otherwise.

Otherwise, yay Friday! I am tired....so glad this week is over.

I am going to start posting random things I like but would never own because of practicality or finances. Sometimes the internet can make the world so much smaller and you can just find things you would have never seen before. Here is my random yummy today. If I was rich enough to buy rock pillows and owned enough space for them to look good I might look into purchacing some of these.

IRL I am looking at power conditioners. I found them at first at powersave.com. We had an energy fair at work yesterday and when I asked the rep from National Grid what he thought of them he got real defensive and snarky.....so they must work! Thanks asshole for the tude, now I will look into them further. I hate the electric company almost as much as I hate the cable company.....granted I use satellite for TV, but I still use cable for internet. Mr. Nationalgrid up his ass refused to believe how much my household has manged to cut their electricity usage. See if I was really rich I would be off the grid.

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I looked at these last season and thought, who would pay $200 for crocheted boots? I kinda like them, I kinda don't. But my daughter loves them. I'm thinking I could crochet over an actual pair of real ugly (cheap and warm) boots in whatever color she likes. Some questions I have wondering around my mind are, buttons or no? how will I sew the crochet to the boot? wonder if someone else has tried this yet? I can't find anything online, just some baby boots on Ravelry (which are super freaking cute!). What about that little patch of suede in the back? Ugh (ugg), I don't know. But it gives me something to think about. Not that I need to be wondering off towards any other crochet projects in the near future anyway. I am working on a ripple that was meant for a woman at work who is expecting, but I like it to much to give away to someone I don't work to close with. So I picked up some nice blue baby yarn that I will wip up some 12" blocks for an afghan for her. I have Taylor's enlectrac afghan going too....but that will be going on for a long time I am sure! Okay, that's it for today...amazing two post so close in time to each other....but I just wanted to document my thoughts on these boots for now. Carry on.
Blah, I suck at blogging. Hello, my name is JoAnne and I suck. It has literally been forty days and 40 nights since my last post. Not much has really gone on since. If you are on Ravelry you can see my updated projects in my notebook. If you're not on Ravelry, then you probably don't care about my crochet anyway! Here is something to keep all entertained:

I don't even really feel like writing now, but I am out of guilt.

Other things going on that may be noteworthy:

*Kenzie is doing great with Karate. She really likes it and I think it has given her a certain amount of self worth and pride over something that is hers alone. Which I think is pretty important in life.

*Taylor is adjusting to Worcester Tech, although she won't admit it. Her grades are great and I think she's handling life pretty well. She doesn't seem so interested in her Mom lately, but I think that's just due to her mom working now. Funny how a job sucks the fun out of everything.

*Mike is going back to work tonight after a couple months out due his diabetes, long story short, I think the break did him well, but he is ready to get back to it. It has been nice having him home though, I will miss it.

*His mom....back for now, not for long. My door is officially closed after this bout. I really don't care who comes knocking on my door for a bed and a meal anymore. I've got enough to take care of with my own.

*My work....how in the hell are yearly reviews due already! Can I submit my blog as part of my review? Nevermind, that won't do, I haven't posted here in over a month anyway. I guess it's time to search for last years and do some control C and control V.

In my last post I commented about Winter coming. We are getting ready. The pool is shut, although stuff needs to get put away. The new pellet stove is in and the proceeds from the old one (13 years old) bought the seasons pellet. I don't know why the yuppies can't find stoves or pellet? Whatever, more for us.

We will vote next month for the next president. What a joke either way, wow, what can I say. I watch these debates and I am in awe of all the BS. Palin, what was he thinking? McCain will probably win, this country is so misled. It makes me sad.

I will mention my final decision on an afghan pattern for Taylor's (adult) afghan. I am trying Entrelac crochet, and it is coming out very nice. Here is a crappy pic off the cell phone. I have several more rows done, but haven't taken a picture since these three rows. This pic does not show the colors very well either. I am using Vanna's Choice yarn in Eggplant, Sapphire and Magenta. It is going to take me FOREVER! But she really likes it and that is what is most important! Wish I had more time to work on it. It won't take long before I will only be able to work on it from home because it is going to be BIG and HEAVY! I'll try to be a good girl and update sooner than later on this one.

I'll be back eventually!