Happy Hooking

~ a blog about crocheting and so on.

Blah, I suck at blogging. Hello, my name is JoAnne and I suck. It has literally been forty days and 40 nights since my last post. Not much has really gone on since. If you are on Ravelry you can see my updated projects in my notebook. If you're not on Ravelry, then you probably don't care about my crochet anyway! Here is something to keep all entertained:

I don't even really feel like writing now, but I am out of guilt.

Other things going on that may be noteworthy:

*Kenzie is doing great with Karate. She really likes it and I think it has given her a certain amount of self worth and pride over something that is hers alone. Which I think is pretty important in life.

*Taylor is adjusting to Worcester Tech, although she won't admit it. Her grades are great and I think she's handling life pretty well. She doesn't seem so interested in her Mom lately, but I think that's just due to her mom working now. Funny how a job sucks the fun out of everything.

*Mike is going back to work tonight after a couple months out due his diabetes, long story short, I think the break did him well, but he is ready to get back to it. It has been nice having him home though, I will miss it.

*His mom....back for now, not for long. My door is officially closed after this bout. I really don't care who comes knocking on my door for a bed and a meal anymore. I've got enough to take care of with my own.

*My work....how in the hell are yearly reviews due already! Can I submit my blog as part of my review? Nevermind, that won't do, I haven't posted here in over a month anyway. I guess it's time to search for last years and do some control C and control V.

In my last post I commented about Winter coming. We are getting ready. The pool is shut, although stuff needs to get put away. The new pellet stove is in and the proceeds from the old one (13 years old) bought the seasons pellet. I don't know why the yuppies can't find stoves or pellet? Whatever, more for us.

We will vote next month for the next president. What a joke either way, wow, what can I say. I watch these debates and I am in awe of all the BS. Palin, what was he thinking? McCain will probably win, this country is so misled. It makes me sad.

I will mention my final decision on an afghan pattern for Taylor's (adult) afghan. I am trying Entrelac crochet, and it is coming out very nice. Here is a crappy pic off the cell phone. I have several more rows done, but haven't taken a picture since these three rows. This pic does not show the colors very well either. I am using Vanna's Choice yarn in Eggplant, Sapphire and Magenta. It is going to take me FOREVER! But she really likes it and that is what is most important! Wish I had more time to work on it. It won't take long before I will only be able to work on it from home because it is going to be BIG and HEAVY! I'll try to be a good girl and update sooner than later on this one.

I'll be back eventually!