I looked at these last season and thought, who would pay $200 for crocheted boots? I kinda like them, I kinda don't. But my daughter loves them. I'm thinking I could crochet over an actual pair of real ugly (cheap and warm) boots in whatever color she likes. Some questions I have wondering around my mind are, buttons or no? how will I sew the crochet to the boot? wonder if someone else has tried this yet? I can't find anything online, just some baby boots on Ravelry (which are super freaking cute!). What about that little patch of suede in the back? Ugh (ugg), I don't know. But it gives me something to think about. Not that I need to be wondering off towards any other crochet projects in the near future anyway. I am working on a ripple that was meant for a woman at work who is expecting, but I like it to much to give away to someone I don't work to close with. So I picked up some nice blue baby yarn that I will wip up some 12" blocks for an afghan for her. I have Taylor's enlectrac afghan going too....but that will be going on for a long time I am sure! Okay, that's it for today...amazing two post so close in time to each other....but I just wanted to document my thoughts on these boots for now. Carry on.
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